
Sex coloured lenses.

The cold season is here and everyone is happy. If you’re not then go live in the desert. This is the season filled with wet air, winter fashion amd better yet puddles of water. I remember when I was young little girl in her tiny purple boots, I wasn’t a pink girl back then too, jumping into puddles and even dancing in the rain. Those were simple times when all that mattered was that I had eaten, had a place to sleep and clothes.

This morning I was taking my my bitch out for a morning walk, my puppy is a she and I feel weird calling her a dog. So, while on the walk, it started raining and both our priorities at that point was to find shelter. As we hurriedly ran back to the house, I couldn’t help but think about Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. For a minute there I had forgotten Maslow was an Abraham because the only Abraham that is always on my mind is Father Abraham with the many sons (IYKYK).

Did you know that sex is a basic need? Yes, it’s as basic as excretion but we are never told about it. Sex, like any other basic need, should be actively sought. You have to work hard on it so as to be actualized, fulfilled and better yet to be improved. Hence why in humans, sex is more than just for reproduction.

Have you wondered why you get to a certain point in life when everything becomes sexual? This happens when you first have sex. It’s like there is an innocent glass shield that breaks and now you are able to see the world for what it is. A sexual world. So if you don’t actively seek sex and get fulfilled then everything you see and hear will be all about sex. A flower looks like a vulva and a cucumber or eggplants looks like a penis. A volcano erupting looks like an ejaculation and squeezing juice out of an orange will remind you of the vaginal juices leaving the vagina.

We all know that an orgasm is what we get from a fulfilled sexual act. But we can get that feeling from other things too. Ever tasted a meal so good you get a foodgasm? You even moan as it goes down. Or look at a meal so good that you get turned on? That is why they call it food porn. We eat not only to for the biological function but for pleasure too.

As women, there comes a time of the month, during ovulation, when your body needs sex. Then how can we not say that it is a basic need? So, don’t feel perverted or bad when you sexualize most thing in the world. It’s because the moment you first had sex, your sex colored lenses were automatically activated. And the interesting fact is, you can never go back. No matter how long you stay celibate, you can never go back to the innocent world. I now understand Adam and Eve way better.

Once your sex colored lenses has been activated you realize that however different, the basics that make the human contented are as uniquely different as they are the same. When it’s freezing and there is no fire you can use sex to generate warmth. Can’t sleep? Have sex and soon after you’ll be fast asleep. Homeless people have sex, if it wasn’t a basic need then it won’t be on their minds.

In conclusion, this cold season eat some soup and drink warm water to help you keep warm. You can use sex for that too but remember, sex might be on the base of Maslow’s hierarchy but reproduction is on the third level. So before you get the kids make sure your physiological and safety needs have been achieved. Enjoy this sexual world!

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