
Read well, be smart...

So, join me in this open space so that we can learn, love and laugh together. Embrace our uniqueness and accept the space we are in. I’m glad you are here, you can call me Chameleon!


Hey You..

Ever walked by the side of a river bank and you stumble a bit but you gained your balance and keep going? Me too and then I end up thinking, what if I fell? How would the sequence of that day move forward after that? Would someone come to my aid or am I on my own? I do that all the time, I tend to think of the worst case scenario in everything. I do not know if it’s to avoid getting blindsided by anything or so that I can have options just incase it happens.

I’m not one to fit in nor do I stand out but I tend to always create my own space. A place where my mind can wonder without judgements and be free to explore all the possibilities, good, bad or worse!

This is that space in my head of the things that sometimes I am afraid to say or those parts of me I shy away from showing others. It’s a safe space to just be me, all versions of me, unapologetically.