
“Why aren’t you losing weight?”

If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me why I ain’t getting smaller yet I’m going to the gym, I’d have a few pieces of equipment in my home gym by now. There was a time I used to be offended but I don’t anymore because they know nothing better. I excuse their ignorance with a smile and keep it moving.

Everyone who hasn’t set foot in any gym always has something to say about it. ‘You only have to go to the gym when you want to lose weight ‘If you lift weights you’ll be bulky like a man’ ‘When you workout you might have a problem having kids’ If you become too strong no man will want you and many more myths that come with it. I was in the same boat at first but I’m here to deconstruct those myths and let you know that the gym is your friend.

My journey

When I started my fitness journey, I was at my highest in weight and I was so unfit. Before I could go visit a friend I’d make a point to ask which floor they live in so that I can prepare myself mentally to endure those flight of stairs. My mental health was wanting which in turn affected my physical. Looking back I really can’t imagine how I let myself go that much.

So I started to run. At that time I was running away from myself and it was only a month later that I realized I was running towards a new version me. A 2.0 so to speak. Those morning runs were my me time. A time with my thoughts and I. I figured out what I wanted and how I was going to get them. A run is very therapeutic.

Three months later after quitting sugar, milk, and being on an intermittent fasting diet, I was down 10kgs. Yay, right? Wrong! It wasn’t until two months after that that I realized I didn’t enjoy my slender self. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against being slender but it just ain’t for me.

At a prime weight of 76kgs, I went to the gym and started my weight training journey. My main goal was to be stronger and to have a well toned body. You know, well defined shoulders, arms, back and legs. Keeping everything tight. I had just dug myself out of a physically abusive relationship and I was hell bent on that not happening again. Hence why I needed to be strong enough to defend myself.

The perks that came with weight training was that I gained muscles as I was burning fat. So yes, I gained weight but it was the good kind. I got my thick self back and I was way healthier, fitter and stronger. Finally, I loved my body. I did not care about the stomach rolls or the little cellulite. We all have them, no? All I cared about was that I could walk up a flight of stairs without having shallow breaths and that I was strong enough to squat 50kgs.

My mental health is at its best since I went for that first run in June 2020. A lot of my frustrations are left in the gym after an intense workout and gym banter. Oh, don’t get me started on the gym banter, you’ll laugh your stress out. I am mentally strong too and that’s one thing I’m proud of. The ability to say no to things that don’t feed me and the push to go after what I want is breathtaking.

So, where am I going with this?

Everyone hits the gym for different reasons.Some go to lose weight while others go to gain. If you lift weights, you will be bulky for sure because you’ll gain muscles. However, you won’t be bulky like a man. We all have different genes and body types so you will be bulky like you.

No matter what you do, just make sure you keep fit. If you don’t want to go to the gym you don’t have to. Pick an activity that will help you exercise and stay healthy. Take a walk often, take the stairs whenever you have an opportunity, or better yet skip a rope. Whatever you choose make sure it’s sustainable because the fitness journey is for a lifetime. Future you will thank you later and you’ll look damn good!

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